maritime risk symposium
Tri-Service Maritime Strategy (TSMS)
Advantage at Sea: Prevailing with Integrated All-Domain Naval Power
Department of Defense, December 2020. Signed by
Honorable Kenneth J. Braithwaite, Secretary of the Navy;
General David H. Berger USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps
Admiral Michael M. Gilday USN, Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral Karl L. Schultz USCG, Commandant of the Coast Guard
The United States is a maritime nation. Our security and prosperity depend on the seas.
The Naval Service—forward deployed and capable of both rapid response and sustained operations globally—remains America’s most persistent and versatile instrument of military influence. Integrated All-Domain Naval Power, leveraging the complementary authorities and capabilities of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, advances the prosperity, security, and promise of a free and open, rules-based order.
“We are at an inflection point,” the chiefs of the three services say in a foreword to the strategy. “Our actions in this decade will shape the maritime balance of power for the rest of this century.”

SEAPOWER CONVERSATION: NPS Hosts Discussion with Tri-Service Maritime Strategy Authors
Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI) at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)
February 9, 2021, in-depth article and 90-minute YouTube video
Speakers: CAPT Matthew Culp USN, Col Robb Sucher USMC, CAPT Kate Higgins-Bloom USCG
Moderators: Col Randy Pugh USMC, CAPT Dan Sunvold USN
Impact remarks by NPS President Ann E. Rondeau, Ed.D. VADM USN (Ret.)
To learn more about this SEAPOWER CONVERSATION: